Saturday, November 9, 2013

And We're Off!!!!

I love a good analogy.  If I can "liken" something in everyday life to some great "aha!" moment, I will.  Case in point, I recently managed to relate chocolate chip cookies to family life in a Sunday School lesson not too long ago and I'm pretty sure (and grateful) that nobody dared question if it was doctrinally sound.  Maybe because it was a room full of teenage girls or maybe it was because we really do learn best when we can take challenging life concepts and repackaging them into things that we already know and maybe love.  So why do I mention all this?  Because my hope for this blog is to repackage those hard life lessons into something more bite-sized, more readily understood, accepted, and internalized for me and for you.

If you know me, you've probably had to hear me say this a time or two.  We can do hard things!  Hard things come in all shapes and sizes. My favorite are the ones that take me into the outdoors.  They're the ones that I choose for myself.  The ones that life and God brings us to are not typically of our choosing, but they're the defining ones.  They're the ones that shape our nature and teach us those life lessons.  They come during all stages of life, but my perspective for now is from that of a mother running a full-time family.  We're talking hard things on a daily basis here, people! They teach me daily that sacrifice--putting the needs before the wants, doing for others what that they can't for themselves--is the ultimate adventure.  So, on your mark, get set, and GO!  We're off on an adventure and I'm happy to be your guide.


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