Friday, March 14, 2014

Guest Post: Skinny Brain

Hello All!  I put out a call a short while back inviting you readers to submit the thoughts lurking in your brains and to put them down on paper, so-to-speak, for me to share via this blog.  I know many of you have given this some thought and I encourage you to share your wonderful ideas, learning experiences, and aha! moments with the rest of us.  Don't be shy!

Today I want to introduce you to my friend Racheal who has accepted the call and the challenge.  Racheal is one of those gals whom you'd like instantly if you had the chance to meet her.  I love the easiness about her and her subtle humor and how she mischievously smirks at her own wittiness. She also happens to have the world's most darling freckles.  She'll probably cringe at me for saying that, but it's true.

She's beautiful in endless ways and smart and has a great message to share about CHANGE (the theme for this month). I'm happy to share her with you today. While you're reading and thinking about change, take a quick gander at this fun yet powerful visual that I found last night. I can't wait to talk more with you about change.  In the meantime, enjoy...


Skinny Brain. 

We’ve all experienced it. We overeat during the holidays and in the shame of our extra padding around the mid-section, swear we are turning over a new leaf. Dieting. Eating healthy. Making a lifestyle change. Going on a cleanse. You pick. After a good 3 days of dieting and exercise, we start to feel good. You look in the mirror and think, “Has my jaw always been this defined?” and “Dang that butt looks good!” I dub this phenomenon Skinny Brain.

Brains are very impressionable. So I hear. Three days of dieting and it is convinced you’re an athlete. Personally, I love Skinny Brain. Love it. Mostly because I do not have to be fit to feel fit. I can feel like a marathoner while barely making it to mile 3 without dying. It’s awesome! However, skinny brain has to be accompanied by diligence in order to go beyond illusion and make real change.

Guess what? There’s a metaphor in there. What?? Yes. It’s true. Maybe it’s a simile. An analogy. Deeper meaning? Something! Here it is: My patented Skinny Brain concept also applies to our spirituality. Bet you didn’t see that one coming.

I love the scriptures. Sadly though, I do not spend as much time in them as I know I really want to. I am constantly cycling: study, study, study, and after a few days of awesome, I am feeling like a spiritual giant. Keeping goals builds self-esteem. And I get a major case of Skinny Brain. I will have a good day where I forget to read my scriptures or something comes up, but it’s ok! I still have a residual spiritual high from the day before that I’m riding. Then the next day comes and I find another excuse to not read, and before you know it, I feel awful. I miss the spirit. I have doubts and a mini-existential crisis or two. Which motivate me to restart the cycle.

But cycling gets tiring. I’m ready for some consistency. I’m making choices. Today while folding laundry during naptime, instead of turning to Netflix, I listened to a super uplifting talk. Go me. (Don’t worry; I kept the Netflix homescreen up on the TV just to make me feel better.)

Skinny Brain is hollow. And unless it’s accompanied by something much more substantial, it will fail.

It’s time to stop making excuses. Our excuses, no matter how legitimate, may make us feel better, but they will never help us become better.

I think that’s where the Savior comes in. We know He is here to help us overcome our sins, but often forget that He is also here to help us become. He is perfectly consistent. If we choose to, we can truly change through Him. We decide.

I’m committed. I’m changing. And with the help of my Savior, I can do it, one choice at a time.

~ Racheal

(If you want to get to know more about Racheal, she's invited you to visit her here.)

See?  She's awesome.

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